Publications & Research

Stethoscover: The Essential Disposable Barrier Missing in Infection Control

Discover how Stethoscover brings the proven protection of disposable barriers to stethoscopes, enhancing infection control and outperforming disposable stethoscopes in cost, quality, and sustainability.

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The Future of Stethoscope Hygiene Practices: Key Changes in the 2024 CDC Draft Guidelines

Discover how the draft 2024 CDC Guidelines are redefining stethoscope hygiene and how Stethoscover’s disposable barrier is the game-changing solution to meet these new standards.

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Stethoscope Hygiene: The Next Frontier in Infection Control?

Prevention is also essential for antimicrobial stewardship...

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NIH: Stethoscopes or Maybe "Bacterioscopes"

Is hand Hygiene Solely Capable of Preventing Hospital-Associated Infections?

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How Clean Is Your Doctor's Stethoscope?

Stethoscopes are used by every healthcare provider and are a universal tool of the trade. Nevertheless, few practitioners put much thought into sterilizing them.

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